jeudi 2 juillet 2009

L'oreille de Denys

L'Oreille de Denys (en italien Orecchio di Dionisio) est une grotte artificielle sise à Syracuse, en Sicile, dans l'antique carrière de Latomia del Paradiso, à proximité du théâtre grec du parc archéologique de Néapolis.

The name of the cave was coined in 1586 by the painter Caravaggio. It refers to the tyrant Dionysius I of Syracuse. According to legend (possibly one created by Caravaggio), Dionysius used the cave as a prison for political dissidents, and by means of the perfect acoustics eavesdropped on the plans and secrets of his captives. Another more gruesome legend claims that Dionysius carved the cave in its shape so that it would amplify the screams of prisoners being tortured in it.

L'oreille de Denys sur wikipedia.

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